NCRES Special Event: Hands-On Advance Air sealing Workshop with SIGA

Location: 320 E. Vine Drive, Fort Collins, CO  (Rocky Mountain Innosphere)
Date/Time: Wednesday, October, 3rd  5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Cost:  $25 for NCRES members ($45 non-members)
Registration:  Contact John Fassler 970.556.6195 or [email protected]
The Three Elements for Successful Air-tight Construction: Planning, Application and Quality
This three-hour workshop will help improve the value you provide to your customers and will help you differentiate yourself from others in the building industry. The work shop will include examples of building assemblies, how to tackle problems of moisture management, how to design and construct an air tight envelope, and how blower doors quantify performance.  
This workshop is both discussion and “hands on”. We will use SIGA membranes and adhesive tapes on model houses to understand the planning and application of a system that creates an air-tight envelope, manages both interior and exterior moisture and seals the construction from pest infiltration. 
Benjamin Lüssi, from Switzerland, will be teaching the workshop.  Benjamin has been in the building industry since 1995 working as a Carpenter, Project Manager and now as Product Manager for SIGA – U.S.  His goal for the workshop is to teach European air sealing methods while learning more about U.S. construction methods.  SIGA is a leading provider of Air Sealing products in Europe where air sealing standards and codes are extremely stringent.  This is an exceptional opportunity for building practitioners in the Front Range to get hands on experience with European Advanced Air Sealing methods – without the expense of going to Europe. 

The workshop is limited to 20 participants. If you plan to attend, please register as early as possible.  The class fills quickly. Please register here.