Colorado State University is proud to bring world renowned built environment expert, Chrisna de Plessis to campus on Wednesday, September 12th for a presentation on Your Role in the Regenerative World – 4:30-6:00pm in the newly renovated, LEED-seeking Lory Student Center Theater.
Chrisna du Plessis is Associate Professor in Sustainable Construction at the Department of Construction Economics of the University ofPretoria, and was formerly Principal Researcher at the Council for Scientificand Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa. She is known internationally for her work on the policy and research strategy for sustainable building within developing countries and is currently concentrating on urban sustainability science at both theoretical and technical levels.
“Chrisna is an inspirational leader in the sustainability movement – her compelling messages help all of us to envision healthy, thriving environments and cities and to understand our potential roles in places and economies that regenerate just as nature does,” said Brian Dunbar, Director, Institute for the Built Environment.
Dr. du Plessis’ presentation is hosted by Colorado State University’s Institute for the Built Environment and is made possible through regional event sponsors including: School of Global EnvironmentalSustainability, City of Fort Collins Office of Sustainability, U.S. GreenBuilding Council- Colorado Chapter, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado, LoryStudent Center, CSU Public Lands History Center, CSU Department of Design &Merchandising, CSU Department of History, Center for the Advancement ofSustainable Enterprise, and the SustainableLiving Association.
The event is free. There will be snacks and a cash bar. We look forward to seeing you and your networks at this unique event!